In the 19th century, the world took on an incomprehensible shape by changing its shell. The world is going through a difficult process with inventions, technological revolutions on the one hand, industrialization and economic conditions on the other.
Especially the capitalist system, the crusader ideology, the imperialist attitude caused all balances to change.
Founded by Mr. İbrahim Akbaba, our company is determined to contribute to Turkish culture and art in academic, professional and scientific terms.
In such an environment where art, artist and culture are discussed in our country; It is determined to change the waxy, cumbersome, undeveloped aesthetic appearance of the past by bringing a new breath to all the problems of the country.
It depends on its language, identity, customs, traditions and customs; Our company has set the goal of bringing art and culture to a universal dimension.
We attach great importance to making art out of the monopoly of some segments and contributing to the peace of our country and the world. To bring our people side by side based on the genius and magic of art; It is our mission to contribute to the development of our country in every field by leaving aside chaos, exclusion, insensitivity and fighting.
One of our goals is to keep up with the conditions of the day by using and applying all technological, communication, marketing and branding methods in a modern way.
Our organization is determined to examine today’s problems while bringing our forgotten geniuses to the agenda among the dusty pages of our history by adhering to our past.
It is one of our sine qua non to introduce and tell the new generations by bringing the Turkish and Islamic scholars who have given life and blood to the Turkish people to come to the present.
Based on our Turkish elders, it is our obligation to bring “the Turk to a universal dimension.” It is one of our principles that Turkish art starts from the local and extends towards the universal.
Our company will continue to work by being loyal and owning its country in the training, education and apprenticeship relationships it has received from its masters.
Modern hardware, to carry a contemporary understanding of the world of our production platform foregrounded primary duty on behalf of Turkey.
Our most important starting point is to ensure that they live forever by respecting their residents and protecting the memories of those we have lost.
We know that Turkish people deserve the best with everything. Starting from this center, to promote Turkey and Turkish identity, our first task is to create the world as our mission and our vision. This vision and mission will never be abandoned.